Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Taper Madness

More of my videos here.

I'm assuming my current condition is common in the world of first-time long-distance racers of all stripes, especially those, like me, who suddenly have an injury and can't get on the bike at all let alone ride the shortened distances prescribed during the final "taper" phase of training. As I count down the last remaining days before my Ironman 70.3-mile race, I am struggling with an excess of pent-up energy and a newly strained back that makes it difficult for me to sit upright for more than a few minutes at a stretch. I can stand and walk comfortably, I can run, I can swim, and I can get myself to and from the chiropractor and the massage therapist, but in between these activities I am anxious and jumpy and missing the bike, and hoping most fervently that my darn back feels better in time!

Of course, as usual, I will keep you posted.

In the meantime, check out the latest installment of the vlog above, incuding Jim's vegan gluten-free birthday dinner as well as some bike racing and cute dog action.


Running Chick said...

As you have already noted, it is really called 'taper madness' - I've used that phrase many times myself! Focus on healing! You have already done all the training!!

Anonymous said...

Amy! How did you do? Taper Tantrums are so common and feeling tweaks and minor stuff definitely happens. Hoping you were able to make it to the start (and finish!)


Amy said...

Thanks D!

And Sue - yes I did make it to the start and finish, and felt great (almost) throughout. There's more to the story. Will post soon! Thanks for asking!

Anonymous said...

Awesome, Amy! What an achievement and what a great way to come back emotionally, psychologically and physically after the year you have had--truly inspirational! As a certified Endorphin Addict you need to choose your next event soon!! Cheers!
