Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Taper Madness

More of my videos here.

I'm assuming my current condition is common in the world of first-time long-distance racers of all stripes, especially those, like me, who suddenly have an injury and can't get on the bike at all let alone ride the shortened distances prescribed during the final "taper" phase of training. As I count down the last remaining days before my Ironman 70.3-mile race, I am struggling with an excess of pent-up energy and a newly strained back that makes it difficult for me to sit upright for more than a few minutes at a stretch. I can stand and walk comfortably, I can run, I can swim, and I can get myself to and from the chiropractor and the massage therapist, but in between these activities I am anxious and jumpy and missing the bike, and hoping most fervently that my darn back feels better in time!

Of course, as usual, I will keep you posted.

In the meantime, check out the latest installment of the vlog above, incuding Jim's vegan gluten-free birthday dinner as well as some bike racing and cute dog action.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Small Things are Big

I'm not talking about small complaints, though they tend to be the tips of icebergs and perhaps worth excavating. When I say small things are big, I'm talking about small pleasures, small blessings, small triumphs. One doesn't need an award ceremony and a plaque to commemorate the good things in life. (ps. speaking of small things, scroll below the video for my low-tech energy snack.)

My latest video diary in which it dawns on me - I will know I survived cancer when my dog licks me to death. More of my videos here.

Grapes and walnuts - my low-tech (and fresh) energy bar snack.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


I spent the bulk of the day today at Silver Circle Gallery prepping my artwork for hanging. The show begins tomorrow, and though it was a long time in coming and I was reasonably prepared, it still felt like a whirlwind effort. I'm glad I have a few weeks to gather myself before the reception.

In the meantime, I seem to be putting the worst of cancer's post-traumatic aversion to long-term planning behind me, as my project list and corresponding To Do lists are growing about as wildly and recklessly as the weeds in my garden.

There's nothing to be done about it (the real weeds, that is, as well as the figurative). I have my hands full gathering tomatoes and cucumbers and putting the finishing touches on my triathlon training. Just three more weeks before the (scary!) Ironman 70.3.

In the midst of all of this, my stepson goes off to college.

And then comes cancer check-ups. House cleaning. To Do list weeding. And a new chapter of life.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Platinum Day, Revisited

A few weeks ago I wrote Platinum Day, a post about my first Olympic distance triathlon (about half the distance I will do at September's Ironman 70.3 and twice what I'd done in the past.) Now you can watch all the action.

More of my videos here.

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Crunch Time

Sorry for the lack of blogging lately, between training for the half-ironman coming up oh so very soon on September 9th and my solo show at Silver Circle Gallery, I am swamped. BUT somehow I'm managing to keep up with the video diaries! Enjoy these latest two...

Among other things: Me having a moment, Millie having a hilarious meltdown, and my exciting new toy.

A graduation, a reunion, great goal setting advice, and a decadent dessert to remember. More of my videos here.