Monday, February 05, 2007

Results Are In...

...and it isn't pretty.

J~'s sperm count is good but other factors are questionable. Normal sperm motility is between 40 and 100% and J~'s is just 26. Viscosity is much too high, pH is also a bit high. His doctor drew circles and question marks on the lab results, but the only actual information he offered were the names and phone numbers of specialists. J~ will make an appointment today, and we'll take it from there.

Strangely, I'm not upset. Maybe it's because we have so little real information. Maybe because, in a way, nothing's changed. I already felt like it would take a miracle. Sometimes I've been more confident in that miracle, sometimes less. Hell, look back just three weeks ago I was all about believing in miracles. (see Hope?) And just last week I tried on the post-menopausal never-had-kids possible future. Though I cried when I did so, I found it was not a bad fit. I'm accepting more and more that my baby-quest story may not have a Hollywood ending. On one hand, I'm still hopeful. On the other, ready to let go.

J~ suggested we put in another year of concerted effort and attention before deciding it probably won't happen and moving on. I'm all for it, especially the part about him putting in concerted effort and attention. (It's so nice to have a real partner!) The deadline feels sad, but right. There are no rules about what we do or don't do after, but we can begin to talk about it. And who knows what might happen between now and then.


Anonymous said...

My husband's sperm count was very low and he was advised to quit taking hot baths (which he did), increase his coffee intake (not a problem), change the seat on his bicycle, (done) and take vitamins. If you look online, different vitamins do different things:

His count went up 90% but it does take about 3 months to see a difference.

I hope J's problem is as "easy".

Good luck!!! Now you at least have a direction in which to go!!

Anonymous said...

Good luck.

Anonymous said...

We faced a similiar situation 7 years and 2 kids ago. We got pregnant unexpectedly for our first child (10+ years ago)but I wasn't getting pregnant again. After the lab analysis :-) we found out that my husband had a varicocele. One urologist said it wasn't the probelm but after alot of reading, I knew it was. The statistics showed that usually conception of 1 child is not a problem and because he was younger (although he was 27). He had the surgery and also followed the advice of another blogger here and 3 months later, I was pregnant. For child #3, it took one try. I think the vitamin he took was Argenine ( I can't remember anymore if that's how it is spelled or not) He also started wearing boxers. I apologize if this is just more information of things that you already know.
I can't remember how I came across your blog. But I really enjoyed your last post and you are a great writer.

Sam said...

It sounds like he has a car problem or maybe a fish tank issue with all the viscosity and pH talk. I hope you get lucky with simple fixes like anon's hubby did. Glad you're still posting...